Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fame! Fortune! Featured Blog!

TechEd Bloggers Excerpt I just received an email notifying me that my BI Polar blog has been featured in the "Bloggers Spotlight" section on the TechEd Bloggers web site. This site aggregates a bunch of technical blogs from bloggers who participated in Microsoft's TechEd conference. I've had a bunch of my posts (not the ones about fine dining and finer music, just the technical ones) show up there but it's a nice surprise to have the whole blog featured.

On a related note, I definitely do continue to blog on BI and SSIS topics (and all of the other random stuff that justifies the "BI Polar" title) after I join Microsoft next month. I'm sure my post frequency will continue to be erratic, or even if but the blog will continue to be hosted here on blogspot, but rest assured the madness will continue. I see several interesting places to apply BI technologies to the challenges waiting for me at Microsoft, and if I know me (this is not guaranteed, but it does seem likely) I'll find the time to blog about it here and there...

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